美联航暴力赶客 CEO再度道歉 这次终于认错了

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联合大陆航空行政总裁穆尼奥斯(Oscar Munoz)周二再发表声明,就旗下联合航空要求警察粗暴地拖走一个越南裔乘客的事件,再度向公众道歉。




The CEO of United Airlines apologized again Tuesday amid a global uproar sparked when a passenger was dragged screaming from his seat on a flight that, it turns out, wasn't even overbooked.

"I continue to be disturbed by what happened on this flight, and I deeply apologize to the customer forcibly removed and to all the customers aboard," CEO Oscar Munoz said in a statement. "No one should ever be mistreated this way."